SICP 4.2.3 Streams as Lazy Lists
2024-10-02 Wed

Authors show a relatively easy implementation of streams as lazy lists.

Given that our evaluator is now lazy, we can simply reimplement cons, car, cdr as compound procedures in this way:

(define (cons x y)
  (lambda (m) (m x y)))

(define (car z)
  (z (lambda (p q) p)))

(define (cdr z)
  (z (lambda (p q) q)))

The streams presented in Chapter 3 were lazy at construction time with respect to the cdr and non-lazy with respect to everything else.

The lazy lists presented in this chapter are lazy at both construction time and selection time with respect to both the car and the cdr. Delayed values are forced only when they are ``really needed — e.g., for use as the argument of a primitive, or to be printed as an answer'' (410).

Exercise 4.32


Give some examples that illustrate the difference between the streams of chapter 3 and the ``lazier'' lazy lists described in this section. How can you take advantage of this extra laziness?


First of all, here is a way in which we can add the lazy lists feature to the evaluator:

;; add replace scheme's cons, car and cdr with our implementations
(define primitive-procedures
  (list (list 'cons (lambda (x y)
                      (list 'lazy-list (lambda (m) (m x y)))))
        (list 'car (lambda (z)
                     ((cadr z) (lambda (p q) p))))
        (list 'cdr (lambda (z)
                     ((cadr z) (lambda (p q) q))))
        (list 'null? null?)
        (list '= =)
        (list '+ +)
        (list '- -)
        (list '* *)
        (list '/ /)
        (list 'newline newline)
        (list 'display display)))

Here are a couple of examples.

In normal scheme (I'm using racket), cons is strict in both arguments:

#lang sicp
(define (foo)
  (display "foo!")

(cons (foo) (foo))
;; foo!
;; foo!
;; ("foo" . "foo")

The cons of chapter 3 is strict in the first argument and non-strict in the second:

(define (foo)
  (display "foo!")

(cons-stream (foo) (foo))
;; foo!
;; ("foo" . #<promise>)

The cons of chapter 4 is non-strict on both arguments:

;;; L-Eval input:
(define (foo)
  (display "foo!")

;;; L-Eval value:

;;; L-Eval input:
(cons (foo) (foo))

;;; L-Eval value:
(compound-procedure (m) ((m x y)) <procedure-env>)

Here is an example of the extra-lazyness Authors mention:

With the streams of chapter 3, calling stream-cdr forces the cdr:

#lang sicp
(define (stream-car stream) (car stream))
(define (stream-cdr stream) (force (cdr stream)))

(define (foo)
  (display "foo!")

(define foovar (cons-stream (foo) (foo)))
;; foo!

(define foovarcar (stream-car foovar))

(define foovarcdr (stream-cdr foovar))
;; foo!

With the lazy lists of chapter 4, neither the application of cdr nor that of car forces delayed value:

;;; L-Eval input:
(define (foo) (display "foo!") (newline) "foo")

;;; L-Eval value:

;;; L-Eval input:
(define foovar (cons (foo) (foo)))

;;; L-Eval value:

;;; L-Eval input:
(define foovarcar (car foovar))

;;; L-Eval value:

;;; L-Eval input:
(define foovarcdr (cdr foovar))

;;; L-Eval value:

The streams of Chapter 3 are lazy at construction time with respect to the cdr. They are non-lazy with respect to everything else.

The lazy lists of Chapter 4 are lazy both at construction time and at selection time with respect to both the car and the cdr. Delayed values are forced only when they are ``really needed — e.g., for use as the argument of a primitive, or to be printed as an answer.''

We can take advantage of the fact that the actual value of the car is not computed at construction time. If the application of foo involves a lot of computations, then (cons-stream (foo) nil) will make them, wheres the lazy cons of chapter 4 won't.

And we can take advantage of the fact that the selection of the cdr does not entail its actual value in situation where its actual value is not needed. For example, computing the length of a stream/lazy-list:

Streams of chapter 3:

(define (stream-car stream) (car stream))
(define (stream-cdr stream) (force (cdr stream)))

(define (foo)
  (display "foo!")

(define foolist
  (cons-stream (foo)
               (cons-stream (foo)
                            (cons-stream (foo) nil))))

(define (length stream-items)
  (if (stream-null? stream-items)
      (+ 1 (length (stream-cdr stream-items)))))

(length foolist)

;; foo!
;; foo!
;; foo!
;; 3

Lazy lists of chapter 4:

;;; L-Eval input:
(define (length items) (if (null? items) 0 (+ 1 (length (cdr items)))))

;;; L-Eval value:

;;; L-Eval input:
(define (foo) (display "foo!") (newline) "foo")

;;; L-Eval value:

;;; L-Eval input:
(define foolist (cons (foo) (cons (foo) (cons (foo) '()))))

;;; L-Eval value:

;;; L-Eval input:
(length foolist)

;;; L-Eval value:

Exercise 4.33


Ben Bitdiddle tests the lazy list implementation given above by evaluating the expression

(car '(a b c))

To his surprise, this produces an error. After some thought, he realizes that the "lists" obtained by reading in quoted expressions are different from the lists manipulated by the new definitions of `cons', `car', and `cdr'. Modify the evaluator's treatment of quoted expressions so that quoted lists typed at the driver loop will produce true lazy lists.


(define (is-non-empty-list? exp)
  (and (quoted? exp)
       (list? (text-of-quotation exp))
       (not (null? (text-of-quotation exp)))))

(define (list->cons exp)
    (if (null? exp)
         (car exp)
         (list->cons (cdr exp)))))

(define (eval exp env)
  (cond ((self-evaluating? exp) exp)
        ((variable? exp) (lookup-variable-value exp env))
        ((is-non-empty-list? exp) (eval (list->cons (cadr exp)) env));;<-------------
        ((quoted? exp) (text-of-quotation exp))
        ((assignment? exp) (eval-assignment exp env))
        ((definition? exp) (eval-definition exp env))
        ((if? exp) (eval-if exp env))
        ((lambda? exp)
         (make-procedure (lambda-parameters exp)
                         (lambda-body exp)
        ((begin? exp)
         (eval-sequence (begin-actions exp) env))
        ((cond? exp) (eval (cond->if exp) env))
        ((application? exp)
         (apply-evaluator (actual-value (operator exp) env)
                          (operands exp)
         (error "Unknown expression type -- EVAL" exp))))

Exercise 4.34


Modify the driver loop for the evaluator so that lazy pairs and lists will print in some reasonable way. (What are you going to do about infinite lists?) You may also need to modify the representation of lazy pairs so that the evaluator can identify them in order to print them.

In order to make lazy lists recognizable (to tell them apart from other compound procedures), we can change the implementation of cons (and, accordingly, that of as car and that of cdr) by adding a tag in front of the lazy lists representation we already have:

(define primitive-procedures
  (list (list 'cons (lambda (x y)
                      (list 'lazy-list (lambda (m) (m x y)))))
        (list 'car (lambda (z)
                     ((cadr z) (lambda (p q) p))))
        (list 'cdr (lambda (z)
                     ((cadr z) (lambda (p q) q))))
        (list 'null? null?)
        (list '= =)
        (list '+ +)
        (list '- -)
        (list '* *)
        (list '/ /)
        (list 'newline newline)
        (list 'display display)))

Now that lazy-list have been made recognizable, we can modify the printing rules (user-print) so that lazy list are taken into account as a special case.

An easy way to deal with printing lazy lists is to display the first element only and then some ellipses. What better approaches are there?

  (define (lazy-list? exp)
    (tagged-list? exp 'lazy-list))

(define (user-print object)
  (cond ((compound-procedure? object)
         (display (list 'compound-procedure
                        (procedure-parameters object)
                        (procedure-body object)
        ((lazy-list? object)
         (display (list (lazy-car object) '...)))
        (else (display object))))
;;; L-Eval input:
'(1 2 3)

;;; L-Eval value:
(1 ...)

Send me an email for comments.

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