SICP 3.3.3 Representing Tables
2024-03-18 Mon

3.3.3 Representing Tables

Authors show how to implement tables. It is not surprising that they show how to implement tables in terms of pairs.

What is a table? Again, a table can be defined in terms of its interface — data abstraction!

One can insert! a value under one or more keys. One can then lookup the value using the key(s).

Authors show the implementation of one-dimensional tables — tables in which values are stored under one key — and two-dimensional tables — tables in which values are stored under two keys.

Exercise 3.24


In the table implementations above, the keys are tested for equality using equal? (called by assoc). This is not always the appropriate test. For instance, we might have a table with numeric keys in which we don't need an exact match to the number we're looking up, but only a number within some tolerance of it. Design a table constructor make-table that takes as an argument a same-key? procedure that will be used to test "equality" of keys. Make-table should return a dispatch procedure that can be used to access appropriate lookup and insert! procedures for a local table.


(define (make-table same-key?)
  (let ((local-table (list '*table*)))
    (define (assoc-mod key records)
      (cond ((null? records) false)
            ((same-key? key (caar records)) (car records))
            (else (assoc-mod key (cdr records)))))
    (define (lookup key-1 key-2)
      (let ((subtable (assoc-mod key-1 (cdr local-table))))
        (if subtable
            (let ((record (assoc-mod key-2 (cdr subtable))))
              (if record
                  (cdr record)
    (define (insert! key-1 key-2 value)
      (let ((subtable (assoc-mod key-1 (cdr local-table))))
        (if subtable
            (let ((record (assoc-mod key-2 (cdr subtable))))
              (if record
                  (set-cdr! record value)
                  (set-cdr! subtable
                            (cons (cons key-2 value)
                                  (cdr subtable)))))
            (set-cdr! local-table
                      (cons (list key-1
                                  (cons key-2 value))
                            (cdr local-table)))))
    (define (dispatch m)
      (cond ((eq? m 'lookup-proc) lookup)
            ((eq? m 'insert-proc!) insert!)
            (else (error "Unknown operation -- TABLE" m))))

Exercise 3.25


Generalizing one- and two-dimensional tables, show how to implement a table in which values are stored under an arbitrary number of keys and different values may be stored under different numbers of keys. The lookup and insert! procedures should take as input a list of keys used to access the table.


(define (gp-make-table)
  (list '*table*))

;; try to find record
;; return pair
;; if cdr of return-value is nil, then record has been found, and the
;; car is the record
;; if cdr of return-value is not nil, then record has not been found;
;; car is the last key found, cdr is the list of keys to be added
(define (find-rec t keys)
  (cond ((null? keys)
         (cons t keys))
        ((not (pair? (cdr t)))
         (cons t keys))
        (else (let ((found (assoc (car keys) (cdr t))))
                (cond (found
                       (find-rec found (cdr keys)))
                      (else (cons t keys)))))))

(define (to-insert keys val)
  (if (= (length keys) 1)
      (cons (car keys) val)
      (list (car keys)
            (to-insert (cdr keys) val))))

(define (lookup t keys)
  (let ((found (car (find-rec t keys)))
        (rest-of-keys (cdr (find-rec t keys))))
    (if (null? rest-of-keys)
        (cdr found)

(define (insert t keys val)
  (let ((found (car (find-rec t keys)))
        (rest-of-keys (cdr (find-rec t keys))))
    (cond ((null? rest-of-keys)
           (set-cdr! found val))
          ((= (length rest-of-keys) 1)
           (set-cdr! found
                      (cons (car rest-of-keys) val)
                      (cdr found))))
           "adding subtable"
           (set-cdr! found
                      (to-insert rest-of-keys val)
                      (cdr found)))))))

(define t (gp-make-table))
(insert t '(letters a) 97)
t ;; => (*table* (letters (a . 97)))
(insert t '(letters b) 98)
t ;; => (*table* (letters (b . 98) (a . 97)))
(insert t '(continents europe cities barcelona population)  1620343)
t ;; => (*table* (continents (europe (cities (barcelona (population . 1620343))))) (letters (b . 98) (a . 97)))
(lookup t '(continents europe cities barcelona population)) ;; => 1620343
(lookup t '(letters b)) ;; => 98

Exercise 3.26


To search a table as implemented above, one needs to scan through the list of records. This is basically the unordered list representation of 2-3-3. For large tables, it may be more efficient to structure the table in a different manner. Describe a table implementation where the (key, value) records are organized using a binary tree, assuming that keys can be ordered in some way (e.g., numerically or alphabetically). (Compare Exercise 2-66 of Chapter 2.)

Exercise 2.66 asked for a set of records structured as a binary tree. In terms of its interface, the solution I've given already satisfies the requirements for a one dimensional table. You feed a key to the lookup function, you get the record, if any.

In order to make a multi-dimensional table, we could simply allow the values of the tree (table) to be trees (subtables) themselves.

For example, here is a tree I've used in responding exercise 2.66:

(list->tree '( (1 "el with key 1") (2 "el with key 2") (3 "etc") (4 "foo") (6 "bar") (7 "baz")))

That tree has this structure1:

 |       |       |       |       |       |
 |       |       |       |       |      [o|o]---[o|/]
 |       |       |       |       |       |       |
 |       |       |       |       |       7      "baz"
 |       |       |       |       |
 |       |       |       |      [o|o]---[o|/]
 |       |       |       |       |       |
 |       |       |       |       6      "bar"
 |       |       |       |
 |       |       |      [o|o]---[o|/]
 |       |       |       |       |
 |       |       |       4      "foo"
 |       |       |
 |       |      [o|o]---[o|/]
 |       |       |       |
 |       |       3      "etc"
 |       |
 |      [o|o]---[o|/]
 |       |       |
 |       2      "el wit..."
 |       |
 1      "el wit..."

Given the function lookup, that tree can be used as a one dimensional table:

(define (lookup given-key set)
  (cond ((null? set) false)
        ((= given-key (key (entry set)))
         (cadr (entry set)))
        ((< given-key (key (entry set)))
         (lookup given-key (left-branch set)))
        (else (lookup given-key (right-branch set)))))

(lookup 1 (tree)) ;; => "table el 1"

If we add an entries whose value is a tree itself, then we can see that we can use this structure as a multi-dimensional table. Here, for example, I build a tree with a key 999 whose value is a tree itself. Then I retrieve the value under the keys 1 and 999:

(define tree (list->tree '( (1 "table el 1") (2 "table el 2") (3 "table el 3")
                            (4 "table el 4") (6 "table el 6") (7 "table el 7")
                            (999 ((1 "subtable el 1") () ((2 "subtable el 2") () ()))))))

;; structure of the tree:
;; [o|o]---[o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |
;;  |       |      [o|o]---[o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       |       |      [o|o]---[o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       |       |       |       ()      ()
;;  |       |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       |       |      [o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       |       |      999     [o|o]---[o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |               |       |       |
;;  |       |       |       |               |       ()     [o|o]---[o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |               |               |       |       |
;;  |       |       |       |               |               |       ()      ()
;;  |       |       |       |               |               |
;;  |       |       |       |               |              [o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |               |               |       |
;;  |       |       |       |               |               2      "subta..."
;;  |       |       |       |               |
;;  |       |       |       |              [o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |               |       |
;;  |       |       |       |               1      "subtab..."
;;  |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       |      [o|o]---[o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       |       |       ()      ()
;;  |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       |      [o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       |       6      "table..."
;;  |       |       |
;;  |       |      [o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       7      "table..."
;;  |       |
;;  |      [o|o]---[o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       |      [o|o]---[o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       |       |       ()      ()
;;  |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       |      [o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       |       3      "table..."
;;  |       |       |
;;  |       |      [o|o]---[o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       |       ()      ()
;;  |       |       |
;;  |       |      [o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |       |
;;  |       |       1      "table..."
;;  |       |
;;  |      [o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |       |
;;  |       2      "table..."
;;  |
;; [o|o]---[o|/]
;;  |       |
;;  4      "table..."

(lookup 1 tree) ;; => "table el 1"

(lookup 999 tree) ;; => ((1 "subtable el 1") () ((2 "subtable el 2") () ()))

(lookup 1 (lookup 999 tree)) ;; => "subtable el 1"

Exercise 3.27


This exercise was somehow particularly confusing. Looking at helped a lot. After having looked at kana's solution and (beautiful diagram) I tried to redo it on my own until I got it.

 Before evaluating (memo-fib 3).

global env.->| memo-fib                                                                                    memoize  |
             |   |                                                                                           |      |
                 |    ^                    ^                                                                 |   ^
        +---------    |                    |                                                                 |   |
        |    +--------+-------+      +---+-+-+                                                               V   |
        |    | f: o-----------+----->| o | o |                                                             +---+-+-+
        |    |                |      +-+-+---+                                                             | o | o |
        |    |                |        |                                                                   +-+-+---+
        |    |                |        |                                                                     |
        |    +--------+-------+        V                                                                     |
        |             ^              p: n                                                                    V
        |             |              b: (cond ...)                                                         p: f
        |             |                                                                                    b: (let ...)
        |             |
        |    +--------+-------+
        |    | table: {...}   |
        |    |                |
        |    |                |
        |    |                |
        |    |                |
        |    +----------------+
        |           ^
        |           |
        +------+    |
               v    |
             | o |  | |
            p: x
            b: (let ...)

memoize is bound in the global env to a pair whose cdr is a pointer to the global env and whose car points to param f and body (let...).

memo-fib is bound in the global env to the value returned by the application of memoize to a lambda expression. That value is a lambda, therefore a procedure object, therefore a pair.

Applying memoize entails

  • 1) the creation of a frame which points to the global environment — the environment the memoize pairs points to — and in which f is bound to a procedure object — corresponding to the lambda expression passed to memoize — which is a pair whose cdr points to the global env. and whose care points to param n and body (cond ...).
  • 2) the evaluation of the body of memoize within the frame/environment describe in 1).

The evaluation of the body of memoize creates a frame in which table is bound to the value return by make-table, and evaluates a lambda expression within it, which produces a pair whose cdr points to the frame in which table is defined and whose car points to param x and body (let...).

Evaluating (memo-fib 3).

 global env.->| memo-fib                                                                                    memoize  |
              |   |                                                                                           |      |
                  |    ^                    ^         ^               ^             ^             ^           |   ^
         +---------    |                    |         |               |             |             |           |   |
         |    +--------+-------+      +---+-+-+       |               |             |             |           V   |
         |    | f: o-----------+----->| o | o |       |               |             |             |         +---+-+-+
         |    |                |      +-+-+---+       |               |             |             |         | o | o |
         |    |                |        |             |               |             |             |         +-+-+---+
         |    |                |        |             |               |             |             |           |
         |    +--------+-------+        V             |               |             |             |           |
         |             ^              p: n            |               |             |             |           V
         |             |              b: (cond ...)   |               |             |             |         p: f
         |             |                              |               |             |             |         b: (let ...)
         |             |                       +------+-----+ +-------+----+ +------+-----+ +-----+------+
         |    +--------+-------+               | n: 3       | | n: 2       | | n: 1       | | n: 0       |
         |    | table: {...}   |               |            | |            | |            | |            |
         |    |                |               |            | |            | |            | |            |
         |    |                |               |            | |            | |            | |            |
         |    |                |<----+         +------------+ +------------+ +------------+ +------------+
         |    |                |<--+ |
         |    +----------------+   | |
         |           ^    ^ ^ ^    | +--------------------------------------------------------------+
         |           |    | | |    +-------------------------------------------------+              |
         +------+    |    | | +---------------------------------------+              |              |
                v    |    | +--------------------------+              |              |              |
              +---+--+-+  +-------------+              |              |              |              |
              | o |  o |                |              |              |              |              |
              +-+-+----+         +------+-----+ +------+-----+ +------+-----+ +------+-----+ +------+-----+
                |                | x: 3       | | x: 2       | | x: 1       | | x: 0       | | x: 1       |
                |                |            | |            | |            | |            | |            |
                V                |            | |            | |            | |            | |            |
             p: x                |            | |            | |            | |            | |            |
             b: (let ...)        +------------+ +------------+ +------------+ +------------+ +------------+

memo-fib computes the nth Fibonacci number in a number of steps proportional to n, because memo-fib never makes the same computation more than once.

The scheme would not work if we had simply defined memo-fib to be (memoize fib), because, in that case, the call (memo-fib 3) would end up calling (fib 3) which would continue in the old non-memoized way.



To draw the structure I'm using draw-tree

Send me an email for comments.

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