SICP 3.3.2 Representing Queues
2024-03-03 Sun

3.3.2 Representing Queues

A queue is defined in terms of a its interface:

  • a constructor: (make-queue);
  • two selectors:
    • (empty-queue? <QUEUE>)
    • (front-queue <QUEUE>)
  • two mutators:
    • (insert-queue! <QUEUE> <ITEM>)
    • (delete-queue! <QUEUE>).

We could represent a queue as an ordinary list. However, if we did so, then inserting an element at the end of it would require traversing the whole list, thereby requiring O(n) steps. Authors present the implementation of a queue with allows to insert an item in O(1). This is possible by representing the queue as an ordinary list while also retaining a pointer to the end of it.

  *Figure 3.19:* Implementation of a queue as a list with front and
     rear pointers.

            q -->| * | *-+-------------------+
                 +-|-+---+                   |
                   |                         |
                   | front-ptr               | rear-ptr
                   V                         V
               +---+---+    +---+---+    +---+---+
               | * | *-+--->| * | *-+--->| * | / |
               +-|-+---+    +-|-+---+    +-|-+---+
                 V            V            V
               +---+        +---+        +---+
               | a |        | b |        | c |
               +---+        +---+        +---+

[Figure from SICP Unofficial Texinfo Format version 2.neilvandyke4 (January 10, 2007)]

Here is the code:

(define (front-ptr queue) (car queue))

(define (rear-ptr queue) (cdr queue))

(define (set-front-ptr! queue item) (set-car! queue item))

(define (set-rear-ptr! queue item) (set-cdr! queue item))

(define (empty-queue? queue) (null? (front-ptr queue)))

(define (make-queue) (cons '() '()))

(define (front-queue queue)
  (if (empty-queue? queue)
      (error "FRONT called with an empty queue" queue)
      (car (front-ptr queue))))

(define (insert-queue! queue item)
  (let ((new-pair (cons item '())))
    (cond ((empty-queue? queue)
           (set-front-ptr! queue new-pair)
           (set-rear-ptr! queue new-pair)
           (set-cdr! (rear-ptr queue) new-pair)
           (set-rear-ptr! queue new-pair)

(define (delete-queue! queue)
  (cond ((empty-queue? queue)
         (error "DELETE! called with an empty queue" queue))
         (set-front-ptr! queue (cdr (front-ptr queue)))

Exercise 3.21


Ben Bitdiddle decides to test the queue implementation described above. He types in the procedures to the Lisp interpreter and proceeds to try them out:

(define q1 (make-queue))

(insert-queue! q1 'a)
((a) a)

(insert-queue! q1 'b)
((a b) b)

(delete-queue! q1)
((b) b)

(delete-queue! q1)
(() b)

"It's all wrong!" he complains. "The interpreter's response shows that the last item is inserted into the queue twice. And when I delete both items, the second b is still there, so the queue isn't empty, even though it's supposed to be." Eva Lu Ator suggests that Ben has misunderstood what is happening. "It's not that the items are going into the queue twice," she explains. "It's just that the standard Lisp printer doesn't know how to make sense of the queue representation. If you want to see the queue printed correctly, you'll have to define your own print procedure for queues." Explain what Eva Lu is talking about. In particular, show why Ben's examples produce the printed results that they do. Define a procedure print-queue that takes a queue as input and prints the sequence of items in the queue.


The interpreter is printing the structures qua lists, not qua queues. Such lists represent queues only because we have established a convention according to which a queue is represented by a pair whose car points to a simple list of elements and whose cdr points to the last element of the same list the car points to. The interpreter just prints that pair as if it was a normal pair.

The following creates a list whose car is a list which contains 'a only and whose cdr is that list too.

(define q1 (make-queue))
(insert-queue! q1 'a)

So ((a) a) is exactly what we would expect the interpreter to print. Mutatis mutandis for structures created by (insert-queue! q1 'b), (delete-queue! q1), and (delete-queue! q1).

To print the queue we can simply print the ``ordinary list'' the front pointer is pointing at:

(define (print-queue queue)
  (display (front-ptr queue)))

Exercise 3.22


Instead of representing a queue as a pair of pointers, we can build a queue as a procedure with local state. The local state will consist of pointers to the beginning and the end of an ordinary list. Thus, the `make-queue' procedure will have the form

(define (make-queue)
  (let ((front-ptr ... )
        (rear-ptr ... ))
    (define (dispatch m) ...)

Complete the definition of make-queue and provide implementations of the queue operations using this representation.


(define (make-queue)
  (let ((front-ptr nil)
        (rear-ptr nil))
    (define (dispatch m)
      (cond ((eq? m 'empty-queue?) (null? front-ptr))
            ((eq? m 'front-queue)
             (cond ((null? front-ptr)
                    (error "FRONT called with an empty queue"))
                   (else (car front-ptr))))
            ((eq? m 'insert-queue) (lambda (item)
                                     (let ((new-pair (cons item '())))
                                       (cond ((null? front-ptr)
                                              (set! front-ptr new-pair)
                                              (set! rear-ptr new-pair)
                                              (set-cdr! rear-ptr new-pair)
                                              (set! rear-ptr new-pair)
            ((eq? m 'delete-queue)
             (cond ((null? front-ptr)
                    (error "DELETE! called with an empty queue"))
                    (set! front-ptr (cdr front-ptr))
            (else (error "unknown request sorry (at least for now)"))))

(define queue (make-queue))
(queue 'empty-queue?) ;; => #t
((queue 'insert-queue) 'hello) ;; => (hello)
(queue 'empty-queue?) ;; => #f
(queue 'front-queue) ;; => hello
((queue 'insert-queue) 'world) ;; => (hello world)
(queue 'empty-queue?) ;; => #f
(queue 'front-queue) ;; => hello
(queue 'delete-queue) ;; => (world)
(queue 'front-queue) ;; => world
(queue 'delete-queue) ;; ()
(queue 'empty-queue?) ;; #t

In Emacs-lisp:

;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

(defun make-queue ()
  (let ((front-ptr nil)
        (rear-ptr nil))
    (lambda (m)
      (cond ((eq m 'empty-queue) (null front-ptr))
            ((eq m 'front-queue)
             (cond ((null front-ptr)
                    (error "FRONT called with an empty queue"))
                   (t (car front-ptr))))
            ((eq m 'insert-queue) (lambda (item)
                                    (let ((new-pair (cons item '())))
                                      (cond ((null front-ptr)
                                             (setq front-ptr new-pair)
                                             (setq rear-ptr new-pair)
                                             (setcdr rear-ptr new-pair)
                                             (setq rear-ptr new-pair)
            ((eq m 'delete-queue)
             (cond ((null front-ptr)
                    (error "DELETE! called with an empty queue"))
                    (setq front-ptr (cdr front-ptr))
            (t (error "unknown request sorry (at least for now)"))))))

(let ((queue (make-queue)))
  (message "Queue initially empty: %s" (funcall queue 'empty-queue)) ;; => t

  (funcall (funcall queue 'insert-queue) 'hello) ;; => (hello)

  (message "Queue empty after insertion: %s" (funcall queue 'empty-queue)) ;; => nil

  (message "Front of queue: %s" (funcall queue 'front-queue)) ;; => hello

  (funcall (funcall queue 'insert-queue) 'world) ;; => (hello world)

  (funcall queue 'delete-queue) ;; => (world)

  (message "Front of queue after deletion: %s" (funcall queue 'front-queue)) ;; => world

  (funcall queue 'delete-queue) ;; => nil

  (message "Queue empty after all deletions: %s" (funcall queue 'empty-queue)) ;; => t

Exercise 3.23


A "deque" ("double-ended queue") is a sequence in which items can be inserted and deleted at either the front or the rear. Operations on deques are the constructor make-deque, the predicate empty-deque?, selectors front-deque and rear-deque, and mutators front-insert-deque!, rear-insert-deque!, front-delete-deque!, and rear-delete-deque!. Show how to represent deques using pairs, and give implementations of the operations.(2) All operations should be accomplished in [theta](1) steps.


Here is what the structure of my deque's implementation looks like:

deque -->| * | *-+---------------------------+
         +-|-+---+                           |
           |                                 |
           | front-ptr                       | rear-ptr
           V                                 V
       +---+---+        +---+---+        +---+---+
       | * | *-+------->| * | *-+------->| * | / |
       +-|-+---+        +-|-+---+        +-|-+---+
         |   ^______      |   ^______      |
         V          \     V          \     V
       +---+---+     \  +---+---+     \  +---+---+
       | \ | * +      \-|-* | * |      \-|-* | * |
       +---+-|-+        +---+-|-+        +---+-|-+
             V                V                V
            'a               'b               'c

Basically, instead of having a head-and-tail pointer for a list of values, like in the queue's case, we have a head-and-tail pointer for a list of pairs, each of which holds (in the car) a pointer to the previous pair and (in the cdr) a value. This is one way in which we can use pairs to build a so-called doubly-linked lists.

Here is the scheme:

(define (make-deque)
  (let ((front-ptr nil)
        (rear-ptr nil))
    (define (dispatch m)
      (cond ((eq? m 'empty-deque?) (null? front-ptr))
            ((eq? m 'front-deque)
             (cond ((null? front-ptr)
                    (error "FRONT called with an empty deque"))
                   (else (cdar front-ptr))))
            ((eq? m 'rear-deque)
             (cond ((null? rear-ptr)
                    (error "REAR called with an empty deque"))
                   (else (cdar rear-ptr))))
            ((eq? m 'front-insert-deque!) (lambda (item)
                                            (let ((prev-and-value-pair (cons nil item)))
                                              (let ((new-pair (cons prev-and-value-pair front-ptr)))
                                                (cond ((null? front-ptr)
                                                       (set! front-ptr new-pair)
                                                       (set! rear-ptr new-pair))
                                                       (set-car! (car front-ptr) new-pair)
                                                       (set! front-ptr new-pair)))))))
            ((eq? m 'rear-insert-deque!) (lambda (item)
                                           (let ((prev-and-value-pair (cons rear-ptr item)))
                                             (let ((new-pair (cons prev-and-value-pair nil)))
                                               (cond ((null? rear-ptr)
                                                      (set! front-ptr new-pair)
                                                      (set! rear-ptr new-pair))
                                                      (set-cdr! rear-ptr new-pair)
                                                      (set! rear-ptr new-pair)))))))
            ((eq? m 'front-delete-deque!)
             (cond ((null? front-ptr)
                    (error "DELETE! called with an empty deque"))
                   ((eq? front-ptr rear-ptr) ;; if so there is only one el
                    (set! front-ptr nil)
                    (set! rear-ptr nil)
                    (set! front-ptr (cdr front-ptr))
                    (and front-ptr
                         (cdar front-ptr)))))
            ((eq? m 'rear-delete-deque!)
             (cond ((null? rear-ptr)
                    (error "DELETE! called with an empty deque"))
                   ((eq? front-ptr rear-ptr)  ;; if so there is only one el
                    (set! front-ptr nil)
                    (set! rear-ptr nil)
                    (set! rear-ptr (caar rear-ptr))
                    (and rear-ptr (cdar rear-ptr)))))))

(define my-deque (make-deque))

((my-deque 'front-insert-deque!) 'hello)

(my-deque 'front-deque) ;; => hello
(my-deque 'rear-deque) ;; => hello

((my-deque 'rear-insert-deque!) 'world)

(my-deque 'front-deque) ;; => hello
(my-deque 'rear-deque) ;; => world

(my-deque 'front-delete-deque!) ;; => world

(my-deque 'front-deque) ;; => world
(my-deque 'rear-deque) ;; => world

(my-deque 'rear-delete-deque!) ;; => ()

(my-deque 'front-deque) ;; error: FRONT called with an empty deque

Send me an email for comments.

Created with Emacs 29.2.50 (Org mode 9.6.15)