SICP 3.2 The Environment Model of Evaluation
2023-12-25 Mon

The notions of frames and environments are introduced.

Despite the switch to the environment model of evaluation, the rules for evaluating a combination remain the same:

The environment model of evaluation changes, though, what it means to apply a procedure.

The environment model of procedure application can be summarized by two rules:

Exercise 3.9


In section 1.2.1 we used the substitution model to analyze two procedures for computing factorials, a recursive version

(define (factorial n)
  (if (= n 1)
      (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))

and an iterative version

(define (factorial n)
  (fact-iter 1 1 n))

(define (fact-iter product counter max-count)
  (if (> counter max-count)
      (fact-iter (* counter product)
                 (+ counter 1)

Show the environment structures created by evaluating (factorial 6) using each version of the `factorial' procedure.


Recursive version:

       global -->|                                                                                    |
       env       +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                   ^              ^              ^               ^               ^               ^
 (factorial 6)     |              |              |               |               |               |
              +------+       +------+       +------+        +------+        +------+        +------+
         E1 ->| n: 6 |  E2 ->| n: 5 |  E3 ->| n: 4 |  E4 -->| n: 3 |   E5 ->| n: 2 |  E6 -->| n: 1 |
              |      |       |      |       |      |        |      |        |      |        |      |
              +------+       +------+       +------+        +------+        +------+        +------+
(if (= n 1)
    1                           same           same           same            same             same
    (* n factorial (- n 1)))

Iterative version:

      global -->|                                                                                                                                                                        |
      env       +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                  ^              ^                                  ^                     ^                     ^                     ^                      ^                      ^
(factorial 6)     |              |                                  |                     |                     |                     |                      |                      |
             +------+       +-------------+                    +-------------+       +-------------+       +-------------+       +--------------+       +--------------+       +--------------+
        E1 ->| n: 6 |  E2 ->| product: 1  |               E3 ->| product: 1  |  E4 ->| product: 2  |  E5 ->| product:  6 |  E6 ->| product:  24 |  E7 ->| product: 120 |  E8 ->| product: 720 |
             |      |       | counter: 1  |                    | counter: 2  |       | counter: 3  |       | counter:  4 |       | counter:  5  |       | counter:  6  |       | counter:  7  |
             |      |       | max-count: 6|                    | max-count: 6|       | max-count: 6|       | max-count: 6|       | max-count: 6 |       | max-count: 6 |       | max-count: 6 |
             +------+       +-------------+                    +-------------+       +-------------+       +-------------+       +--------------+       +--------------+       +--------------+
    (fact-iter 1 1 n)       (if (> counter max-count)                same                  same                  same                  same                  same                  same
                                (fact-iter (* counter product)
                                           (+ counter 1)

Exercise 3.10


In the make-withdraw procedure, the local variable balance is created as a parameter of make-withdraw. We could also create the local state variable explicitly, using let, as follows:

(define (make-withdraw initial-amount)
  (let ((balance initial-amount))
    (lambda (amount)
      (if (>= balance amount)
          (begin (set! balance (- balance amount))
          "Insufficient funds"))))

Recall from section 1.3.2 that let is simply syntactic sugar for a procedure call:

(let ((<VAR> <EXP>)) <BODY>)

is interpreted as an alternate syntax for

((lambda (<VAR>) <BODY>) <EXP>)

Use the environment model to analyze this alternate version of make-withdraw, drawing figures like the ones above to illustrate the interactions

(define W1 (make-withdraw 100))

(W1 50)

(define W2 (make-withdraw 100))

Show that the two versions of make-withdraw create objects with the same behavior. How do the environment structures differ for the two versions?


Environments created by evaluating (define w1 (make-withdraw 100)):

| make-withdraw:---+                   w1:---+                                                            |
|                  |                         |                                                            |
|                  |                         |                                                            |
|                  |            +------------+                                                            |
|                  |            |                                                                         |
|                  |            |                                                                         |
                   |   ↑        |       E1
  +----------------+   |        |       +----------------------+
  |                    |        |       | initial-amout: 100   |
  ↓                    |        |       |                      |
+-+-+---+              |        |       |                      |
|   |   +--------------+        |       +----------------------+
+-+-+---+                       |                  ↑      ↑
  ↓                             |                  |      |
  λ                             |                  |      |
                                |       +---+---+  |      |
                                |       |   |   +--+      |
                                |       +-+-+---+         |
                                |         ↓               |
                                |         λ               |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |
                                |                         |
                                |       E2                |
                                |       +-----------------+-----+
                                |       | balance: 100          |
                                |       |                       |
                                |       |                       |
                                |       +-----------------------+
                                |                  ↑      ↑
                                |                  |      |
                                |                  |      |
                                |       +---+---+  |      |
                                +------→|   |   +--+      |
                                        +-+-+---+         |
                                          ↓               |
                                          λ               |
                                        E3                |
                                        | amount: 50             |
                                        |                        |
                                        |                        |

After the evaluation:

       | make-withdraw:---+                   w1:---+                                                            |
       |                  |                         |                                                            |
       |                  |                         |                                                            |
       |                  |            +------------+                                                            |
       |                  |            |                                                                         |
       |                  |            |                                                                         |
                          |   ↑        |       E1
         +----------------+   |        |       +----------------------+
         |                    |        |       | initial-amout: 100   |
         ↓                    |        |       |                      |
       +-+-+---+              |        |       |                      |
       |   |   +--------------+        |       +----------------------+
       +-+-+---+                       |                  ↑      ↑
         ↓                             |                  |      |
         λ                             |                  |      |
                                       |       +---+---+  |      |
                                       |       |   |   +--+      |
                                       |       +-+-+---+         |
                                       |         ↓               |
                                       |         λ               |
                                       |                         |
                                       |                         |
                                       |                         |
                                       |                         |
                                       |       E2                |
                                       |       +-----------------+-----+
                                       |       | balance: 50           |
                                       |       |                       |
                                       |       |                       |
                                       |       +-----------------------+
                                       |                  ↑
                                       |                  |
                                       |                  |
                                       |       +---+---+  |
                                       +------→|   |   +--+

Evaluating (define w2 (make-withdraw 100)):

| make-withdraw:---+                   w1:---+                                  w2:---+                   |
|                  |                         |                                        |                   |
|                  |                         |                                        |                   |
|                  |            +------------+                             +----------+                   |
|                  |            |                                          |                              |
|                  |            |                                          |                              |
                   |   ↑        |       E1                                 |       E4
  +----------------+   |        |       +----------------------+           |       +----------------------+
  |                    |        |       | initial-amout: 100   |           |       | initial-amout: 100   |
  ↓                    |        |       |                      |           |       |                      |
+-+-+---+              |        |       |                      |           |       |                      |
|   |   +--------------+        |       +----------------------+           |       +----------------------+
+-+-+---+                       |                  ↑      ↑                |                  ↑      ↑
  ↓                             |                  |      |                |                  |      |
  λ                             |                  |      |                |                  |      |
                                |       +---+---+  |      |                |       +---+---+  |      |
                                |       |   |   +--+      |                |       |   |   +--+      |
                                |       +-+-+---+         |                |       +-+-+---+         |
                                |         ↓               |                |         |               |
                                |         λ ←-------------+---------------+---------+                |
                                |                         |                |                         |
                                |                         |                |                         |
                                |                         |                |                         |
                                |                         |                |                         |
                                |       E2                |                |       E5                |
                                |       +-----------------+-----+          |       +-----------------+-----+
                                |       | balance: 50           |          |       | balance: 100          |
                                |       |                       |          |       |                       |
                                |       |                       |          |       |                       |
                                |       +-----------------------+          |       +-----------------------+
                                |                  ↑                       |                  ↑
                                |                  |                       |                  |
                                |                  |                       |                  |
                                |       +---+---+  |                       |       +---+---+  |
                                +------→|   |   +--+                       +------→|   |   +--+
                                        +-+-+---+                                  +-+-+---+
                                          ↓                                        |

The environment structures of the two versions of make-withdraw differ in that the second version creates one frame more than the first version. That's the frame holding the initial-amount binding.

Exercise 3.11


In section 3.2.3 we saw how the environment model described the behavior of procedures with local state. Now we have seen how internal definitions work. A typical message-passing procedure contains both of these aspects. Consider the bank account procedure of section 3.1.1:

(define (make-account balance)
  (define (withdraw amount)
    (if (>= balance amount)
        (begin (set! balance (- balance amount))
        "Insufficient funds"))
  (define (deposit amount)
    (set! balance (+ balance amount))
  (define (dispatch m)
    (cond ((eq? m 'withdraw) withdraw)
          ((eq? m 'deposit) deposit)
          (else (error "Unknown request -- MAKE-ACCOUNT"

Show the environment structure generated by the sequence of interactions

(define acc (make-account 50))

((acc 'deposit) 40)

((acc 'withdraw) 60)

Where is the local state for acc kept? Suppose we define another account

(define acc2 (make-account 100))

How are the local states for the two accounts kept distinct? Which parts of the environment structure are shared between acc and acc2?


global env
|  make-account:---+                  acc:-------------------------------------------------------------+  |
|                  |                                                                                   |  |
|                  |                                                                                   |  |
|                  |                                                                                   |  |
|                  |                                                                                   |  |
|                  |                                                                                   |  |
                   |   ↑                                                                               |
  +----------------+   |                                                                               |
  |                    |           +-------------------------------------------------------------+     |
  ↓                    |           | balance: 50  withdraw:.  deposit:.  dispatch:.              |     |
+---+---+              |           |                       |          |           |              |     |
|   |   |--------------+           |                       |          |           |              |     |
+-+-+---+                          |                       | ---------+           |              |     |
  ↓                                |+----------------------+ |                    |              |     |
  λ                                ||                        |                    |              |     |
                                   ||                        |                    |              |     |
                                   ++------------------------+--------------------+---------------     |
                                    | ↑   ↑         ↑        |   |         ↑    ↑ |       ↑            |
                                  +-+ |   |         |        |   |         |    | |       |            |
                                  |   |   |         |        |   |         |    | +--+ +--+------------+
                                  |   |   |         |        |   |         |    |    | |  |
                                  ↓   |   |         |        ↓   |         |    |    ↓ ↓  |
                                +---+---+ |         |      +---+---+       |    |   +---+---+
                                |   |   | |         |      |   |   |       |    |   |   |   |
                                +---+---+ |         |      +---+---+       |    |   +---+---+
                                  ↓       |         |        ↓             |    |     ↓
                                  λ       |         |        λ             |    |     λ
                                          |         |             +--------+    |
                                          |         |             |             |
                               +----------+-------+ |             |  +----------+-------+
                               |m: 'deposit       | |             |  |amount: 40        |
                               |                  | |             |  |                  |
                               |                  | |             |  |                  |
                               +------------------+ |             |  +------------------+
                                                    |             |
                                                    |             |
                                        +-----------+             +------------+
                                        |                                      |
                               +--------+---------+                  +---------+--------+
                               |m: 'withdraw      |                  |amount: 60        |
                               |                  |                  |                  |
                               |                  |                  |                  |
                               +------------------+                  +------------------+

The local state for acc is kept in the frame created by calling make-account. If we define another account with (define acc2 (make-account 100)), then the local states for the two accounts are kept distinct, because each call to make-account creates a frame (and that is the frame where, as we we have seen, we keep the local state of an account).

acc and acc2 share the text of the procedure objects widthdraw, deposit, and dispatch.

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