SICP 3.1 Assignment and Local State
2023-11-15 Wed
The third chapter of SICP is entitled Modularity, Objects, and State and is said to be investigating ``two prominent organizational strategies arising from two rather different ``world views'' of the structure of systems''. The first one of those strategies focuses on objects. The second one on streams. Those two approaches are said to raise ``significant linguistic issues'' in programming.
3.1 Assignment and Local State
is introduced. That is to say, assignment is introduced.
with local variables is the general programming technique we will use for constructing computational objects with local state. (p. 222)
On the one hand, introducing assignment has some benefits.
[V]iewing systems as collections of objects with local state is a powerful technique for maintaining a modular design. (p. 225)
On the other hand, introducing assignment has some costs. In particular, what we have called `substitution model' ceases to be adequate.
Exercise 3.1
An accumulator is a procedure that is called repeatedly with a single numeric argument and accumulates its arguments into a sum. Each time it is called, it returns the currently accumulated sum. Write a procedure
that generates accumulators, each maintaining an independent sum. The input tomake-accumulator
should specify the initial value of the sum; for example(define A (make-accumulator 5)) (A 10) 15 (A 10) 25
(define (make-accumulator initial) (lambda (val) (begin (set! initial (+ val initial)) initial))) (define A (make-accumulator 5)) (A 10) ;; => 15 (A 10) ;; => 25 (define B (make-accumulator 938)) (B 1) ;; => 939 (B 2) ;; => 941
Exercise 3.2
In software-testing applications, it is useful to be able to count the number of times a given procedure is called during the course of a computation. Write a procedure `make-monitored' that takes as input a procedure,
, that itself takes one input. The result returned bymake-monitored
is a third procedure, saymf
, that keeps track of the number of times it has been called by maintaining an internal counter. If the input tomf
is the special symbolhow-many-calls?
, thenmf
returns the value of the counter. If the input is the special symbolreset-count
, thenmf
resets the counter to zero. For any other input,mf
returns the result of callingf
on that input and increments the counter. For instance, we could make a monitored version of thesqrt
procedure:(define s (make-monitored sqrt)) (s 100) 10 (s 'how-many-calls?) 1
(define (make-monitored f) (let ((counter 0)) (lambda (x) (cond ((eq? x 'how-many-calls?) counter) ((eq? x 'reset-count) (set! counter 0)) (else (begin (set! counter (+ counter 1)) (f x))))))) (define s (make-monitored sqrt)) (s 100) ;; => 10 (s 'how-many-calls?) ;; => 1
Exercise 3.3
Modify the
procedure so that it creates password-protected accounts. That is,make-account
should take a symbol as an additional argument, as in(define acc (make-account 100 'secret-password))The resulting account object should process a request only if it is accompanied by the password with which the account was created, and should otherwise return a complaint:
((acc 'secret-password 'withdraw) 40) 60 ((acc 'some-other-password 'deposit) 50) "Incorrect password"
(define (make-account balance pwd) (define (withdraw amount) (if (>= balance amount) (begin (set! balance (- balance amount)) balance) "Insufficient funds")) (define (deposit amount) (set! balance (+ balance amount)) balance) (define (dispatch p m) (cond ((not (eq? p pwd)) (lambda (a) "Incorrect password")) ((eq? m 'withdraw) withdraw) ((eq? m 'deposit) deposit) (else (error "Unknown request -- MAKE-ACCOUNT" m)))) dispatch) (define acc (make-account 100 'foo)) ((acc 'foo 'withdraw) 40) ;; => 60 ((acc 'bar 'withdraw) 40) ;; => "Incorrect password"
Exercise 3.4
Modify the
procedure of Exercise 3-3 by adding another local state variable so that, if an account is accessed more than seven consecutive times with an incorrect password, it invokes the procedurecall-the-cops
(define (call-the-cops) "Calling the cops!") (define (make-account balance pwd) (define (withdraw amount) (if (>= balance amount) (begin (set! balance (- balance amount)) balance) "Insufficient funds")) (define (deposit amount) (set! balance (+ balance amount)) balance) (let ((counter 0)) (define (dispatch p m) (if (not (eq? p pwd)) (begin (set! counter (+ counter 1)) (cond ((> counter 7) (call-the-cops) (lambda (a) "We called the cops")) (else (lambda (a) "Incorrect password")))) (begin (set! counter 0) (cond ((eq? m 'withdraw) withdraw) ((eq? m 'deposit) deposit) (else (error "Unknown request -- MAKE-ACCOUNT" m)))))) dispatch)) (define acc (make-account 100 'foo)) ((acc 'foo 'withdraw) 59) ;; => 41 ((acc 'fo 'withdraw) 59) ;; => "Incorrect password" ((acc 'fo 'withdraw) 59) ;; => "Incorrect password" ((acc 'fo 'withdraw) 59) ;; => "Incorrect password" ((acc 'fo 'withdraw) 59) ;; => "Incorrect password" ((acc 'fo 'withdraw) 59) ;; => "Incorrect password" ((acc 'fo 'withdraw) 59) ;; => "Incorrect password" ((acc 'fo 'withdraw) 59) ;; => "Incorrect password" ((acc 'fo 'withdraw) 59) ;; => "We called the cops" ((acc 'fo 'withdraw) 59) ;; => "We called the cops" ((acc 'fo 'withdraw) 59) ;; => "We called the cops" ((acc 'foo 'withdraw) 40) ;; => 1
Exercise 3.6
It is useful to be able to reset a random-number generator to produce a sequence starting from a given value. Design a new
procedure that is called with an argument that is either the symbolgenerate
or the symbolreset
and behaves as follows:(rand 'generate)
produces a new random number;((rand 'reset) <NEW-VALUE>)
resets the internal state variable to the designated <NEW-VALUE>. Thus, by resetting the state, one can generate repeatable sequences. These are very handy to have when testing and debugging programs that use random numbers.
;; mock rand-update (define (rand-update x) (+ x 1)) (define random-init 1) (define rand (let ((val random-init)) (lambda (s) (cond ((eq? s 'generate) (set! val (rand-update val)) val) ((eq? s 'reset) (lambda (new-val) (set! val new-val))) (else (error "Unknown symbol")))))) (rand 'generate) ;; => 2 (rand 'generate) ;; => 3 (rand 'generate) ;; => 4 (rand 'generate) ;; => 5 ((rand 'reset) 15) (rand 'generate) ;; => 16 (rand 'generate) ;; => 17 (rand 'generate) ;; => 18 (rand 'generate) ;; => 19
Exercise 3.7
Consider the bank account objects created by
, with the password modification described in Exercise 3-3. Suppose that our banking system requires the ability to make joint accounts. Define a proceduremake-joint
that accomplishes this.Make-joint
should take three arguments. The first is a password-protected account. The second argument must match the password with which the account was defined in order for themake-joint
operation to proceed. The third argument is a new password.Make-joint
is to create an additional access to the original account using the new password. For example, ifpeter-acc
is a bank account with passwordopen-sesame
, then(define paul-acc (make-joint peter-acc 'open-sesame 'rosebud))will allow one to make transactions on
using the namepaul-acc
and the passwordrosebud
. You may wish to modify your solution to *Note Exercise 3-3 to accommodate this new feature.
;; So: ;;(make-joint peter-acc 'open-sesame 'rosebud) ;; | ;; evaluates to ;; | ;; V ;; joint-acc ;; ;; such that ;; ;; (joint-acc 'rosebud 'withdraw) ;; ;; will perform the same operation performed by ;; ;; (peter-acc 'open-sesame 'withdraw) ;; So, this should work: (define (make-joint orig-acc 'orig-pwd 'pwd) (define (wrapper p m) (if (eq? p pwd) (orig-acc 'orig-pwd m) (lambda (a) "wrong password"))) wrapper)
Exercise 3.8
When we defined the evaluation model in section *Note 1-1-3, we said that the first step in evaluating an expression is to evaluate its subexpressions. But we never specified the order in which the subexpressions should be evaluated (e.g., left to right or right to left). When we introduce assignment, the order in which the arguments to a procedure are evaluated can make a difference to the result. Define a simple procedure
such that evaluating(+ (f 0) (f 1))
will return 0 if the arguments to+
are evaluated from left to right but will return 1 if the arguments are evaluated from right to left.
(define f (let ((to-return 0)) (lambda (x) (define tmp to-return) (set! to-return x) tmp)))
Here I'm using let
to establish an environment with a local variable
, bound to the initial value 0. Each time f
is applied to
a value foo, f
is evaluates to the value currently stored in
and updates the value stored in to-return
, by setting it
to foo.